Youth School 2024

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Introduction to the school. August 9. [Starting] at 3 pm.

10 .1. Introduction to our critical Marxism - Ian
- Our experience of oppression and exploitation – alienation, dialectics and materialism.
- The development and history of capitalism – structure, progress and class.
- The collective struggle against capitalism – labour, exploitation and communisation.

11. 2. The working class - Uraz
- Marx's social classes and exploitation
- The genesis of the proletariat and its revolutionary potential
- The working class today

12. 3. Ecosocialism- Christine
- Climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, energy crisis and link with the capitalist mode of production.
- The notion of progress put into question, struggle of indigenous peoples, land grabbing etc.
- Our ecosocialist answers.

13. 4.The far-right in Europe - Alex dJ
- Far-right / Fascism / Nationalism
- Causes of the rise of the far-right
- Strategies against the far-right

14. 5. Immigration and anti-racism - Leila
- The EU and anti-migration policies.
- What is racism?
- Anti-racist struggles.

15 Free day

16.6.Palestine- Joseph

17. 7. Women's liberation - Fanny
- A marxist analysis of the patriarchal domination and exploitation of women.
- What is the history and the current status of women's liberation struggles?
- What strategy for women's liberation?

18. 8. Imperialism, geopolitical disorder and resistance - Peter Drucker

19. 9. LGBTIQ struggles and liberation - Olivia
– Capitalism and LGBTIQ oppression.
– LGBTIQ theories and struggles.
- The Left in LGBTIQ struggles.

20. 10. The Fourth International and strategic debates- Jonathan
- Our strategic goal.
- The role of the revolutionary party.
- How can new parties be a bridge between where we are now and what we want.

21. 11. Evaluation and general cleaning

Structure of the day

  • 9.30-10.10: Lecture part 1
  • 10.10-10.20: Break
  • 10.20-11.00: Lecture Part 2
  • 11.00-11.10: Break
  • 11.10-11:50: Lecture Part 3
  • 11.50-12.00: Break
  • 12.00-12.30: Questions and answers
  • 12.30-15.00: Lunch and time for individual reading
  • 15.00-16.30: Discussion in language groups
  • 16.30-17.10: Final discussion starting with reports from the groups. Part 1
  • 17.10-17.20: Break
  • 17.20-17.50: Final discussion. Part 2
  • 17.50-18.00: Break
  • 18.00-18.30: Country report
  • 18.30-19.30: Reading time
  • 19.30/20.00: Evening meal