Climate and food crisis – Marijke Colle
Reading materials
Climate crisis
- Daniel Tanuro, 2008, The energy climate plan of Barack Obama: a real turn, new dangers.
Food crisis
- Esther Vivas, 2010,Food sovereignty: we can feed the world
- Esther Vivas, 2011, Without women there is no food sovereignty
Which struggles, which alliances
- V. I. Lenin, 1923, On cooperation
- Noami Klein, 2013,Climate change, unions, united left
- Daniel Tanuro, 2010, Mobilization for the climate and anticapitalist strategy
Further reading
- Oxfam report, 2013, Growing disruption: Climate change, food and the fight against hunger
- Oxfam report, 2012, Extreme weather, extreme prices
- Via Campesina, 2011, Shashe declaration: Africans! We can feed ourselves with agroecology and food sovereignty
- Simon Butler, 2012 Corporations steal farmland while farmers starve
- Daniel Tanuro, 2011, Foundations of an ecosocialist strategy
- Ian Angus, 2008, Food crisis: World hunger, Agribusiness and the Food Sovereignty Alternative (part one)
- Ian Angus, 2008, Food crisis: World hunger, Agribusiness and the Food Sovereignty Alternative (part two)